Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Small Steps Themes

Theme- Evidence

Betrayal- When X-Ray sold the last two tickets instead of giving them to
Armpit like he said he would, Armpit felt very betrayed. Also
Felix and Moses beat X-Ray and Armpit up because Armpit
wouldn't give them the letter that Kaira wrote him

Love- Kaira and Armpit are in love throughout the novel. They hold
hands, they kiss, they go on dates, and they "ditch the doofus".

Embarrassment- Kaira was embarrassed when she found out that Armpit had received the embarrassing letter she sent him.

Nervousness- When Detective Newberg came to Armpit's house, Armpit was mumbling and saying things that he shouldn't have said.

Frustration- When Armpit found out that X-Ray had given him counterfeit
tickets, he was so frustrated that he picked X-Ray up by the
collar and held him against the wall.


Samantha L's Humanities Blog said...

Great job, watch your paragraphs in nervousness. But other than that it's fabulous

Hunter B. said...

In the love paragraph, do you think that Ampit's parents trusted him and loved him a bit more after he did something right? Great job relating those themes to the novel.